Alicia Carriquiry editor of the book, "Statistics in the Public Interest"

Alicia Carriquiry, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Statistics, is one of three editors for the book, "Statistics in the Public Interest" which is out now. The book is written in memory of Stephen E. Fienberg and edited by Alicia, Judith M. Tanur, William F. Eddy, and Margaret L. Smykla.

The book explores a mix of original research and reviews in a wide range of topics. With applied and theoretical chapters, historical accounts, and policy-relevant discussions, there is something for everyone. It provides a tour of Steve Fienberg's most important contributions in statistics and policy.

This edited volume surveys a variety of topics in statistics and the social sciences in memory of the late Stephen Fienberg. The editors solicited submissions from a wide range of contemporary authors to explore the fields in which Fienberg made significant contributions, including the analysis of contingency tables and log-linear models, privacy and confidentiality, forensics and the law, the decennial census and other surveys, the National Academies, Bayesian theory and methods, causal inference and causes of effects, mixed membership models, and computing and machine learning. Each section begins with an overview of Fienberg’s contributions and continues with chapters by Fienberg’s students, colleagues, and collaborators exploring recent advances and the current state of research on the topic. In addition, this volume includes a biographical introduction as well as a memorial concluding chapter comprised of entries from Stephen and Joyce Fienberg’s close friends, former students, colleagues, and other loved ones, as well as a photographic tribute.

"Statistics in the Public Interest" is part of the Springer Series in Data Sciences (SSDS)
