LunchinatoRs: Philip Dixon, Using sf for spatial data

LunchinatoRs: Philip Dixon, Using sf for spatial data

Mar 31, 2023 - 1:00 PM
to Mar 31, 2023 - 2:00 PM

SpeakerPhilip Dixon, University Professor, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University

Title: Making the transition from sp to sf for spatial data management and analysis

Abstract: Most spatial analysis packages are based on the sp or raster packages for spatial data management.  Sp is almost 20 years old and showing its age.  It will be deprecated and perhaps removed from CRAN at the end of 2023.  It’s replacement is the sf package.  raster is being replaced by the terra package.  I will describe what you need to do to start making the transition from sp to sf.  I will provide an example to play with and links to various resources on sf and the transition to sf.