2024 Conference On Applied Statistics In Agriculture And Natural Resources

2024 Conference On Applied Statistics In Agriculture And Natural Resources

May 13, 2024 - 12:00 AM
to May 16, 2024 - 11:59 PM
CASANR Attendees

About the Conference

The Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture and Natural Resources brings together statisticians and researchers from academia, industry, and government to discuss ideas and advancements in the application of statistics to solve agricultural and biological problems. This is a four-day conference consisting of a keynote speaker, a workshop, and a series of contributed papers and poster presentations.

This conference is unique in its interdisciplinary nature and also exposes students and developing scholars to new statistical research directly relevant to agriculture. We emphasize the application of statistics in solving real-life problems with agriculture and natural resources highlighted.

The conference recognizes the joint effort of the statistician and the subject-matter researcher, and we encourage participants to submit abstracts made jointly by the statistician and the researcher. Presentation of data sets and analyses which motivated the work shares equal importance with the development of the statistical theory. Papers on either new or innovative applications of existing statistical methodologies are appropriate for presentation at this conference.

The conference has a strong tradition of supporting the attendance and contributions of graduate students and early-career researchers. The professional yet relaxing atmosphere at the conference allows students and young scientists to connect with senior researchers in various fields and promotes mentorship and collaboration. 



Visit the event website for more information on the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture and Natural Resources and a pdf version of the program


Conference Schedule

Monday | May 13, 2024

All Day | Workshop | North Prairie

Workshop Content

Workshop Webpage

7:30-8:30 am | Workshop Registration

9:00 am -5:00 pm | Intermediate and Advanced Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models, Ben Bolker

10:00-10:15 am | Break with Snack

12:00-1:00 pm | Lunch

3:00-3:15 pm | Break

Tuesday | May 14, 2024

8:30-8:50 am | Welcome | North Prairie

8:30-8:35 am | Welcome, Philip Dixon, University Professor, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University

8:35-8:50 am | Welcome, Carolyn Lawrence-Dill, former Associate Dean for Research, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Iowa State University

9:00-10:00 am | Keynote | Progress and Challenges in open-source multilevel modeling, Ben Bolker

10:00-10:15 am | Break with Snack

10:15-11:15 am | Genetics and Fish | North Prairie | Moderator: Jarad Niemi

10:15-10:35 am | Factor-analytic variance structures for modelling genotype-environment interaction – where do we stand? Hans-Peter Piepho

10:35-10:55 am | Estimating reservoir fish escape probability through a joint analysis of growth, survival, recapture and escape, Chunfa Jie

10:55-11:15 am | Heterosis gene detection for RNA-seq data without replicates: an objective Bayesian approach, Benjamin Jacobs

11:25 am-12:00 pm | Poster Presentations

12:00-1:00 pm | Lunch

1:00-2:35 pm | Artificial Intelligence | North Prairie | Moderator: Bruce Craig

1:00-1:35 pm | What can we learn from Hopkins Statistic, how it is used, and how it is misused?, Kevin Wright

1:35-1:55 pm | ModelOps for Agricultural Data, John Gottula

1:55-2:15 pm | Enhancing Breast Density Assessment in Mammograms through Artificial Intelligence, Naila Rocha

2:15-2:35 pm | Detection of anemic sheep based on Famacha© score using ocular conjunctiva images and deep learning algorithms, Luara Freitas

2:35-3:00 pm | Break with Snack

3:00-4:00 pm | Classification | North Prairie | Moderator: Julia Piaskowski

3:00-3:20 pm | Mapping Best Management Practices for Soil and Water Conservation via Deep Residual U-net Semantic Segmentation, Zhengyuan Zhu

3:20-3:40 pm | Comparison of Classification Methods for Pathogen Detection with High-Dimensional Mi-Fi Data, Huizi Wang

3:40-4:00 pm | Quantifying uncertainty in land-use land-cover classification using conformal statistics, Denis Valle

6:00-9:00 pm | Tuesday Evening Reception with Line Dancing for all Workshop and Conference Attendees

Wednesday | May 15, 2024

8:30-10:05 am | Experiments | North Prairie | Moderator: Kathleen Yeater

8:30-9:05 am | Data Deserts, Data Deluges: Sharing, Storing, and Spotlighting across Silos and States, Lisa Schulte-Moore / Matt Stephenson

9:05-9:25 am | Adjusted Coefficient of Variation: An Alternative for Evaluating Field Trial Precision, Julia Piaskowski

9:25-9:45 am | Constructing interpretable statistical crop yield prediction models using field-level data, Tyler Bagwell

9:45-10:05 am | A methodology to minimize error from pedogeomorphic variation in agricultural field experiments, Sneha Jha (Virtual)

10:05-10:15 am | Break with Snack

10:15-11:35 am | Missing Data | North Prairie | Moderator: Neil Paton

10:15-10:35 am | Initial Data Analysis in Agricultural Studies: Metadata and Missing Data in Milking Data, Sam Manski

10:35-10:55 am | Losing Control: The Effect of Removing the Control Treatment in Nitrogen Fertility Trials, Alex Cleveringa

10:55-11:15 am | Methods to account for incomplete viewsheds in distance sampling, David Delaney

12:00-1:00 pm | Lunch

1:00-2:35 pm | Bayesian Methods | North Prairie | Moderator: Denis Valle

1:00-1:35 pm | Bayesian models for complex animal movement data, Toryn Schafer

1:35-1:55 pm | Bayesian yield stability analysis of long term experiments using Stan as an alternative to paid options like SAS and ASREML, Brendan Alexander

1:55-2:15 pm | Farm Revenue Uncertainty: a Bayesian study for Corn in the US Midwest, Gina Pizzo

2:15-2:35 pm | Bayesian modeling of quantile forecasts for distribution matching, Spencer Wadsworth

2:35-3:00 pm | Break with Snack

3:00-4:35 pm | Spatio-Temporal Analysis | North Prairie | Moderator: Sam Manski

3:00-3:35 pm | Artificial Intelligence for Animal Farming: Integrating sensor data for optimal management decisions, Joao Dorea

3:35-3:55 pm | Estimation and interpretation problems and solutions when using proportion covariates in linear regression models, Denis Valle

3:55-4:15 pm | Assessing Spatial Consistency using Space-Time Interactions with a GAM, Payton Miloser

4:15-4:35 pm | Identifying Spatio-Temporal Variability in Animal Movement and Agriculture through a Mixture of Machine Learning and Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling, Abraham Arbelaez

Thursday | May 16, 2024

8:30-9:45 am | Spation-Temporal Analysis | North Prairie | Moderator: Hans-Peter Piepho

8:30-9:05 am | It was A tough Row to Hoe-Adoption of Mixed Models in Agronomy, Edzard van Santen

9:05-9:25 am | Adapting Asymmetry Quantification Methods from Tidal Dynamics to Circannual Rhythms of Milk Components, Alex Pape

9:25-9:45 am | Quantifying the Impact of Rain-on-Snow Induced Flooding in the Western United States, Brennan Bean

9:45-10:00 am | Break with Snack

10:00-11:00 am | Open discussion on the history and future? of mixed models

11:00-11:30 am | Closing: Announcement of student award winners and information on the 2025 conference

11:30 am-1:00 pm | Lunch, to-go boxes will be available