Getting Started with Shiny

Getting Started with Shiny

Jan 30, 2013 - 3:15 PM
to , -

Getting Started with Shiny


Date: Wednesday, January 30
Time: 3:10 pm -- 4:00 pm
Place: Snedecor 2113
Speaker: Carson Sievert, Department of Statistics, ISU


Data-driven web applications are quickly gaining traction as a reliable vehicle for 

interactive graphics and (real-time) analytics. Developing such products has traditionally 

required proficiency with many web and data technologies. Thanks to Shiny, the next great 

data-driven tool can be created solely with a working knowledge of R. This talk is aimed to

help anyone get started with shiny by introducing: (1) different avenues for running shiny apps,

(2) starting your own shiny app, & (3) useful concepts for developing with shiny.


p.s. If you have a laptop, bring it with R and the 'shiny' package pre-installed. This way

you can have your own shiny app up and running before you leave!