Mack Shelley

Mack Shelley

  • University Professor
I am a University Professor of Statistics, Political Science, and School of Education, and have been at Iowa State University since 1979. Since coming to Iowa State I have served as Director of the Research Institute for Studies in Education, Director of Graduate Education in Political Science, Chair of the Department of Political Science, and Faculty Fellow for Department Chair Professional Development in the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost. My research, teaching, and grants activity focuses on applications of statistical methods to the study of public policy in areas including education, aging and disability, health, biotechnology, transportation, the environment, and juvenile justice. Areas of interest include program evaluation, American politics, social statistics, multivariate methods, time series and forecasting, linear models, and survey research methods.


Contact Info

1413 Snedecor Hall
2438 Osborn Drive


  • PhD, Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, 1977
  • MS, Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, 1973
  • BA, Economics and International Studies, American University, Washington, DC, 1972

Recent Publications Include


Books and Book Chapters

Lynne E. Ford, Barbara A. Bardes, Steffen W. Schmidt, and Mack C. Shelley, II, American Government and Politics Today, Enhanced, 19th Edition (Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, 2022).

Ismail Sahin and Mack Shelley (Eds.), Educational Practices during the COVID-19 Viral Outbreak: International Perspectives. Monument, CO: ISTES Organization (2020).

Mack Shelley, Valarie Akerson, and Ismail Sahin (Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Social and Education Sciences. ISTES Organization (2022).

Shelley, M. & Sahin, I. (Eds.). (2022). Studies on Education, Science, and Technology (SonEST) 2021. ISTES Organization.

Obed Norman, Patrice Pinder, Sharonda Ragland, Mack Shelley, Nicola Norman, and Geoffrey Shakwa, “Toward a Solutions Approach to the Problem of Black Underrepresentation in STEM.” In A. G. Robins, L. Knibbs, T. N. Ingram, M. N. Weaver, Jr., & A. Hilton. (Eds). Young, Gifted and Missing: The Problem of the Underrepresentation of African American Males in STEM (pp. 11-22). Emerald Publishing Limited. Diversity in Higher Education, 25 (2022).


Journal Articles

Yen-Han Lee, Yen-Chang Chang, and Mack Shelley, “Is preventive care utilization associated with lower outpatient and inpatient healthcare expenses among Chinese older adults? A longitudinal analysis," The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 35, 142-15 (2020).

Yen-Han Lee, Yen-Chang Chang, Mack Shelley, Ching-Ti Liu, “A panel analysis of the Mahjong card game and social activity with sleep-related measurements among Chinese older adults,” Sleep and Biological Rhythms (January 1, 2020).

Peiyi Lu, Cai Xu, and Mack Shelley, “A State-of-the-Art Review of the Socio-ecological Correlates of Volunteerism among Older Adults,” Ageing & Society (February 21, 2020), 41(8), 1833-1857.

Yen-Han Lee, Ching-Ti Liu, Mack Shelley, and Yen-Chang Chang, “Regional and geographical disparities in body mass index (BMI) among Chinese older adults: Results from the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey,” Journal of Applied Gerontology (2020)

Peiyi Lu, Mack Shelley, and Yi-Long Liu, “Government Transfer and Poverty Alleviation among Older Adults in the United States from 2002 to 2014,” Social Policy and Society, 20(4), 561-579 (2020)

Peiyi Lu, Mack Shelley, Yiwei Chen, Ying Liang, and Xinqi Dong, “Kinship Bereavement and Psychological Well-being of Chinese American Older Immigrants,” Journal of Women and Aging, 34(1), 43-53 (2020)

Peiyi Lu, Chunyu Yang, Jun Yao, and Mack Shelley, “Outpatient and Inpatient Service Use by Chinese Adults Living in Rural Low-Income Households,” Social Work in Public Health (2020)

Yen-Han Lee, Yen-Chang Chang, Yun-Ting Wang, and Mack Shelley, “Have the Chinese Older Adults Received Adequate Healthcare Services since the 2009 Health Reform? Examining the Socioeconomic Disparity in Receiving Adequate Healthcare,” Healthcare,8, 208 (2020).

Crick, K. A., Seipel, M. T., Larson, L. M., Shelley, M., “Work in Progress: Building Community, Providing Scholarships, Developing Leaders: Recruiting and Retaining Underrepresented Students in Electrical and Computer Engineering Departments,” Proceedings of the 2020 American Society for Engineering Education Virtual Annual Conference, 2020.

Frickey, E., Rover, D., Zambreno, J., Khokhar, A., Jacobson, D., Larson, L., & Shelley, M. (2020). Changing an electrical and computer engineering department culture from the bottom up: Action plans generated from faculty interviews. 2020 American Society for Engineering Education Virtual Annual Conference, 2020. 

Shelly M. Palmer, Simon T. Knoblauch, Donna M. Winham, Molly B. Hiller, and Mack C. Shelley, “Putting knowledge into practice: Low-income women talk about food choice decisions,” The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 5092 (2020).

Yen-Han Lee, Yen-Chang Chang, Warren Kaplan, Mack Shelley, and Ching-Ti Liu, “Do Chinese older adults rely on social insurance schemes? Primary coverage on out-of-pocket medical expenses for outpatient and inpatient treatments,” Journal of Social Service Research (2020)

Hao Fan, Yen-Han Lee, Yen-Chang Chang, and Mack Shelley,  ”Associations of dietary habits and sleep in older adults: a 9-year follow-up cohort study,” European Geriatric Medicine (2020)

Peiyi Lu, Mack Shelley, and Yi-Long Liu, “Reexamining the Poverty Cycle in Middle and Late Adulthood: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study 2002-2014,” International Journal of Social Welfare (2020)

Yen-Han Lee, Yen-Chang Chang, Ting Fang, Alvin Ang, Timothy C. Chiang, Mack Shelley, and Ching-Ti Liu, “Associations of staple food consumption and types of cooking oil with circumference and BMI in Chinese older men and women: A panel analysis” International Health (2020)

Mathew Muma, Robert Martin, and Mack Shelley, “Teacher beliefs about sustainable agriculture: A self-made measurement scale,” Asian Social Science, 16(11) (2020)

Donna M. Winham, Elizabeth D. Davitt, Michelle M. Heer, and Mack C. Shelley, "Pulse Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices, and Cooking Experience of Midwestern US University Students" Nutrients, 12(11), 3499 (2020) doi:10.3390/nu12113499.

Peiyi Lu, Dexia Kong, and Mack Shelley, “Making the Decision to Move to a Nursing Home: Longitudinal Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study” Journal of Applied Gerontology, 40(10) 1197–1205 (2021)

Yen-Han Lee, Yen-Chang Chang, Po-Ju Chang, and Mack Shelley, “Socio-demographic and behavioural factors associated with status change of sleep quality and duration among Chinese older adults,” Ageing & Society, 1–18 (2021) https://doi:10.1017/S0144686X21000015.

Dexia Kong, Peiyi Lu, Phyllis Solomon, and Mack Shelley, “Gender-based depression trajectories following heart disease onset: Significant predictors and health outcomes,” Aging and Mental Health, 36(4), 754-761 (2021).

Peiyi Lu, Dexia Kong, and Mack Shelley, “Risk perception, preventive behavior, and medical care avoidance among American older adults during the Covid-19 pandemic,” Journal of Aging and Health, 33(7–8), 577–584 (2021)

Molly B Hiller, Donna M Winham, Simon T. Knoblauch, and Mack C Shelley, “Food security characteristics vary for undergraduate and graduate students at a Midwest university,” The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Carla A. Peterson, Dong Zhang, Allison Flittner, Mack C. Shelley, Kimberly Doudna, Rachel Chazan Cohen, Lindsey Aaron, and Liuran Fan, “Estimating Home Visit Activities: How Much Observation is Enough,?” Child & Youth Care Forum (2021)

Kent Crick, Lisa Larson, and Mack Shelley “The Role of Teaching Self-Efficacy in Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Teaching Satisfaction,” Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 21(2) 192-201 (2021)

Cai Xu and Mack Shelley, “The Affordability of Access to Health Care for Older Adults in China,” Economic and Political Studies (2023)

Elizabeth D. Davitt, Donna M. Winham, Michelle M. Heer, Mack Shelley, and Simon T. Knoblauch, “Predictors of plant-based alternatives to meat consumption in Midwest university students,” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 53(7), 564−572 (2021)

Peiyi Lu, Dexia Kong, Jeongeun Lee, and Mack Shelley, “Advance Directives Completion among Older American Couples: A Dyadic Perspective on the Role of Cognitive Function and Other Factors,” Journals of Gerontology B: Social Science (2021)

Elizabeth D. Davitt, Michelle M. Heer, Donna M. Winham, Simon T. Knoblauch, and Mack C. Shelley, “Effects of COVID-19 on university student food security,” Nutrients, 13(6), 1932 (2021)

Peiyi Lu and Mack Shelley, “Unmet Community Service Needs and Life Satisfaction among Chinese Older Adults: A Longitudinal Study,” Social Work in Public Health (2021)

Elizabeth L. Stegemöller, Andrew Zaman, Mack Shelley, Bhavana Patel, Ahmad Elkouzi, and Elizabeth Shirtcliff, “The effects of group therapeutic singing on cortisol and clinical motor symptoms in persons with Parkinson’s disease,” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15 (2021)

Dexia Kong, Peiyi Lu, Elissa Kozlov, and Mack Shelley, “Food insecurity and mental health trajectories during the COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal evidence from the Understanding America Study,” The Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 33(3), 1230-1244 (2022).

Savannah R. Schultz, Sarah L. Francis, Tim Getty, Alex Bauman, Carlene Russell, and Mack Shelley, “Encore Café: An Innovative and Effective Congregate Nutrition Program,” the Journal of Nutrition for Gerontology and Geriatrics, 49(4), 261-279 (2021)

Yen-Han Lee, Chia-Hung Lin, Jia-Ren Chang, Ching-Ti Liu, Mack Shelley, and Yen-Chang Chang, “Transition of living arrangement and cognitive impairment status among Chinese older adults: Are they associated?, Medicina, 57(9), 961 (2021).

Yen-Han Lee, Yu-Hsuan Wu, Mack Shelley, Stephan Arndt, and Yen-Chang Chang, “The effects of cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and use of both cigarettes and alcohol on Chinese older adults’ sleep: Results from a longitudinal study, 2005-2014,” International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (2021)

Peiyi Lu, Dexia Kong, Mack Shelley, and Joan Davitt, “Intersectional Discrimination Attributions and Health Outcomes among American Older Adults: A Latent Class Analysis,” The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 95(3), 267-285(2021)

Kabongwe Gwebu, Jonathan Compton, Kyle Holtman, Aurelia Kollasch, Jennifer R Leptien, Matthew Pistilli, and Mack Shelley, “Learning Communities: A Sound Investment in Higher Education,” The Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory, & Practice, pp. 1-18 (2021).

Obed Norman, Patrice J. Pinder, Mack Clayton Shelley II, Aletha Harven, and Maurice Nkusi, “The salience of identity in the academic success of Black STEM students and professionals,” Leadership and Policy Quarterly, 10(1-4), 1-16 (2021).

Peiyi Lu, Dexia Kong, and Mack Shelley, “Child-parent relationships and older adults’ health: A cross-cultural comparison between China and the United States,” Journal of Family Issues (2021, December 27),

Yen-Han Lee, Ching-Ti Liu, Mack Shelley, and Yen-Chang Chang, “Factors associated with preventive care utilization among Chinese older adults: Evidence from the 2018 Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey,” Social Policy and Society (2022).

Kevser Erdener, Serkan Perkmen, Mack Shelley, and Mehmet Ali Kandemir, “Measuring Perceived Attributes of the Interactive Whiteboard for the Mathematics Class,” Computers in the Schools, 39(1) (2022)

Jenny L. Baier, Shelly M. Palmer, Donna M. Winham, and Mack C Shelley, “Development of a nutrition environment assessment tool for Latino ethnic stores,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 1860. (2022).

Peiyi Lu and Mack Shelley, “Testing the Missingness Mechanism in Longitudinal Surveys: A Case Study Using the Health and Retirement Study,” The International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 26(4), 439–452 (2022)

Peiyi Lu, Chunyu Yang, Jun Yao, Mingxia Xian, and Mack Shelley, “Patterns of Outpatient Service Satisfaction among Low-Income Adults in Rural China: A Latent Class Analysis,” Healthcare 10(8), 1380 (2022).

Peiyi Lu, Dexia Kong, Phyllis Solomon, Jean Woo, and Mack Shelley, “Depressive symptom trajectories and cognition among older couples: A dyadic perspective,” the Journal of Aging and Health, 35(3-4), 282-293 (2022).

Mathew Muma, Robert Martin, and Mack Shelley, “Teacher Differences in Beliefs and Perceptions about Sustainable Agriculture: Influences on the Teaching of Agriculture,” Asian Social Science,18(10), 20-31 (2022).

Chia-Hung Lin, Shu-Fen Siao, You-Jie Lin, Pin-Hsien Hsin, Mack Shelley, and Yen-Han Lee, “Cognitive Appraisals and Coping Strategies of Registered Nurses in the Emergency Department Combating COVID-19: A Scoping Review,” the Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 55(1), 79-96 (2022)

Peiyi Lu, Katrina Kezios, Floriana Milazzo, Neal Jawadekar, Mack Shelley, and Adi Zeki Al Hazzouri1,  “Racial differences in employment and poverty histories and health in older age: An application of sequence analysis,” the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 64(4), 543-551 (2022)

Dexia Kong, Peiyi Lu, Yen-Han Lee, Bei Wu, and Mack Shelley, “Health behavior patterns and associated risk of memory-related disorders among middle-aged and older Chinese couples,” Research on Aging (2023).

Yen-Chang Chang, Yen-Han Lee, Yu-Chi Chi, and Mack Shelley, “Does urban-rural disparity exist in nicotine and alcohol dependence among Chinese older adults?," Addiction Research & Theory (2023).

Chandler Kendall, Sarah L. Francis, Mack Shelley, Melissa Ventura Marra, Nadine R. Sahyoun, Lillie Monroe-Lord, Furong Xu, Lee Weidauer, and Anna Arthur, “Middle Age and Older Adults: Their Nutrition and Physical Activity Needs and How Best to Address Them,” Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics, 42(2), 59–71 (2023).

Peiyi Lu, Dexia Kong, Vivian W.Q. Lou, and Mack Shelley, “Insomnia symptoms trajectory of spouse caregivers of older adults with functional limitations,” Clinical Gerontologist (2023)

Yen-Han Lee, Chase Woods, Mack Shelley, Stephan Arndt, Ching-Ti Liu, and Yen-Chang Chang, “Racial disparities and prevalence in prescription drug misuse, illicit drug use, and combination of both behaviors in the United States,” The International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (2023)

Yen-Han Lee, Trishnee Bhurosy, Yen-Chang Chang, Ching-Ti Liu, & Mack Shelley, “Associations of alcohol consumption and dietary behaviors with severe cognitive impairment among Chinese older men and women,” Journal of Substance Use, 28(2), 235-242 (2023).