Seminar: Chong Wang, Iowa State University, "Leveraging information from existing network meta-analyses to design new trials"

Seminar: Chong Wang, Iowa State University, "Leveraging information from existing network meta-analyses to design new trials"

Nov 7, 2022 - 11:00 AM
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Speaker: Chong Wang, Iowa State University

Location: Snedecor 3105

Abstract: Pairwise meta-analysis and network meta-analysis (NMA) are tools used for summarizing and combining the existing evidence from a network of clinical trials. When data are available from prior trials in a meta-analysis, it has been proposed that such prior information can be used in designing new trials, and then the new trial results could immediately be incorporated into a meta-analysis to obtain an updated pooled estimate of comparative efficacy. An obvious advantage of leveraging evidence from the network is that it could reduce the required sample size or increase the power of the new trial. Here we discuss a few projects related to this topic, including (i) Sample size and allocation to design a new two-arm trial, (iI) Sample size and allocation to design a new three-arm trial, (iii) When we shouldn't borrow information from an existing network of trials for planning a new trial, (iv) Methods for controlling type one error when a new study is motivated by the results of an existing network meta-analysis, and (v) connecting a disconnected trial network with a new trial.