Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence
The Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE) carries out research on the scientific foundations of forensic methods, develops novel statistical methods and transfers knowledge and technological innovations to the forensic science community. We collaborate with more than 80 researchers and across six universities to drive solutions to support our forensic community partners with accessible tools, open-source databases and educational opportunities.
Center for Survey Statistics & Methodology
The Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology (CSSM) is an academic center in the ISU that specializes in the research and practice for sample surveys. Since 1938, CSSM has functioned as a collaborator in research and teaching with units at ISU and with outside institutions, as a place for graduate students to conduct research in survey statistics and methods, and as a consulting group for campus and external organizations who need assistance with survey methods and statistical analysis. CSSM has developed expertise in the technical and operational aspects of sample surveys through research, support, operational services, and academic courses.
Laurence H. Baker Center for Bioinformatics & Biological Statistics
The mission of the Laurence H. Baker Center is to create and apply bioinformatic and statistical methods useful in biosciences research. Center activities are driven by collaborations with researchers throughout Iowa State University who seek innovative experimental design and data analysis strategies to enable new scientific discoveries. As a center within the Plant Sciences Institute, a part of the Baker Center's mission is to support the research initiatives of the Plant Sciences Institute.