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Course NumberCourse NamePrevious Course Numbers
STAT 1010Principles of StatisticsSTAT 101
STAT 1040Introduction to StatisticsSTAT 104
STAT 1100Orientation in StatisticsSTAT 100, STAT 110
Course NumberCourse NamePrevious Course Numbers
STAT 2010Introduction to Statistical Concepts and MethodsSTAT 201
STAT 2020Career Development in Math and StatisticsSTAT 202
STAT 2260Introduction to Business Statistics ISTAT 226
STAT 2310Probability and Statistical Inference for EngineersSTAT 231
STAT 2610XStatistics in Sports 
Course NumberCourse NamePrevious Course Numbers
STAT 3010Intermediate Statistical Concepts and MethodsSTAT 301
STAT 3050Engineering StatisticsSTAT 305
STAT 3220Probabilistic Methods for Electrical EngineersSTAT 322
STAT 3260Introduction to Business Statistics IISTAT 326
STAT 3300Probability and Statistics for Computer ScienceSTAT 330
STAT / ENGL 3320Visual Communication of Quantitative InformationSTAT 332
STAT / MATH 3410Introduction to the Theory of Probability and Statistics ISTAT 341
STAT / MATH 3420)Introduction to the Theory of Probability and Statistics IISTAT 342
STAT 3470Probability and Statistical Theory for Data ScienceSTAT 347
STAT / IE 3610Statistical Quality AssuranceSTAT 361
Course NumberCourse NamePrevious Course Numbers
STAT 4610XSports Analytics 

STAT 4710

(STAT 4212 - starting Fall 2025)

Introduction to Experimental Design

(Experimental Design and Data Analysis - starting Fall 2025)

STAT 402, STAT 471

STAT 4720

(STAT 4215 - starting Fall 2025)

Introduction to Time Series

(Time Series Data Analysis - starting Fall 2025)

STAT 451, STAT 472
STAT 4730Introduction to Survey SamplingSTAT 421, STAT 473

STAT 4740

(STAT 4219 - starting Fall 2025)

Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis

(Bayesian Data Analysis)

STAT 444, STAT 474
STAT 4750Introduction to Multivariate Data AnalysisSTAT 407, STAT 475
STAT 4760Introduction to Spatial Data AnalysisSTAT 406, STAT 476
STAT 4770Introduction to Categorical Data AnalysisSTAT 457, STAT 477
STAT 4780Introduction to Stochastic Process ModelsSTAT 432, STAT 478
STAT 4820Regression for Social and Behavioral ResearchSTAT 404, STAT 482
STAT 4830Empirical Methods for the Computational SciencesSTAT 430, STAT 483
STAT 4840Computer Processing of Scientific DataSTAT 479, STAT 484

STAT 4860

(STAT 4279 - starting Fall 2025)

Introduction to Statistical Computing

(Statistical Computing for Data Analysis - starting Fall 2025)

STAT 480, STAT 486
Course NumberCourse NamePrevious Course Numbers
STAT 5000Statistical Methods ISTAT 500
STAT 5010Multivariate Statistical MethodsSTAT 501
STAT 5020Applied Modern Multivariate Statistical LearningSTAT 502
STAT 5030Exploratory Methods and Data MiningSTAT 503
STAT 5050Environmental StatisticsSTAT 505
STAT 5060Statistical Methods for Spatial DataSTAT 506
STAT 5100Statistical Methods IISTAT 510, STAT 511
STAT 5120Design of ExperimentsSTAT 512
STAT 5130Response Surface MethodologySTAT 513
STAT 5150Theory and Applications of Nonlinear ModelsSTAT 515
STAT 5160Statistical Design and Analysis of Gene Expression ExperimentsSTAT 516
STAT 5200Statistical Methods IIISTAT 520
STAT 5210Theory and Applications of Sample SurveysSTAT 521
STAT 5220Advanced Applied Survey SamplingSTAT 522
STAT 5250Statistical Methods for Mathematics TeachersSTAT 525, STAT 410
STAT 5260Applied Statistical ModelingSTAT 526
STAT 5280Visual Business AnalyticsSTAT 528
STAT 5310 / IE 5310Quality Control and Engineering StatisticsSTAT / IE 531
STAT 5330 / IE 5330ReliabilitySTAT / IE 533
STAT 5340Ecological StatisticsSTAT 534
STAT 5360Statistical GeneticsSTAT 536
STAT 5420Theory of Probability and Statistics ISTAT 542
STAT 5430Theory of Probability and Statistics IISTAT 543
STAT 5440Bayesian StatisticsSTAT 544
STAT 5460Nonparametric Methods in StatisticsSTAT 546
STAT 5470Functional Data AnalysisSTAT 547
STAT 5510Time Series AnalysisSTAT 551
STAT / MATH 5540Stochastic Process ModelsSTAT / MATH 554
STAT 5570Statistical Methods for Counts and ProportionsSTAT 557
STAT 5590Item Response TheorySTAT 559
STAT / TOX 5650Methods in Biostatistics and EpidemiologySTAT / TOX 565
STAT / COMS / GDCB / BCB 5680Statistical BioinformaticsSTAT / COM S / GDCB / BCB 568
STAT / COMS / CPRE / GDCB / BCB 5700Systems BiologySTAT / COM S / CPR E / GDCB / BCB 5700

STAT 5710

(STAT 5212 - starting Fall 2025)

Introduction to Experimental Design

(Experimental Design and Data Analysis - starting Fall 2025)

STAT 402, STAT 571

STAT 5720

(STAT 5215 - starting Fall 2025)

Introduction to Time Series

(Time Series Data Analysis - starting Fall 2025)

STAT 451, STAT 572
STAT 5730Introduction to Survey SamplingSTAT 421, STAT 573

STAT 5740

(STAT 5219 - starting Fall 2025)

Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis

(Bayesian Data Analysis)

STAT 444, STAT 574
STAT 5750Introduction to Multivariate Data AnalysisSTAT 407, STAT 575
STAT 5760Introduction to Spatial Data AnalysisSTAT 406, STAT 576
STAT 5770Introduction to Categorical Data AnalysisSTAT 457, STAT 577
STAT 5780Introduction to Stochastic Process ModelsSTAT 432, STAT 578
STAT 5790An Introduction to RSTAT 579
STAT 5800Statistical ComputingSTAT 580
STAT 5810Analysis of Gene Expression Data for the Biological SciencesSTAT 416, STAT 581
STAT 5820Regression for Social and Behavioral ResearchSTAT 404, STAT 582
STAT 5830Empirical Methods for the Computational SciencesSTAT 430, STAT 583
STAT 5840Computer Processing of Scientific DataSTAT 479, STAT 584

STAT 5850

(STAT 5585 - starting Fall 2025)

Data Technologies for Statistical AnalysisSTAT 585

STAT 5860

(STAT 5279 - starting Fall 2025)

Introduction to Statistical Computing

(Statistical Computing for Data Analysis - starting Fall 2025)

STAT 480, STAT 586

STAT 5870

(STAT 5101 - starting Fall 2025)

Statistical Methods for Research Workers

(Statistical Methods for Data Analysis - starting Fall 2025)

STAT 401, STAT 587

STAT 5880

(STAT 5147 - starting Fall 2025)

Statistical Theory for Research Workers

(Statistical Theory for Data Analysis - starting Fall 2025)

STAT 447, STAT 588
Course NumberCourse NamePrevious Course Numbers
STAT 6010Advanced Statistical MethodsSTAT 601
STAT 6020Modern Multivariate Statistical LearningSTAT 602
STAT 6060Advanced Spatial StatisticsSTAT 606
STAT 6110Theory and Applications of Linear ModelsSTAT 611
STAT 6120Advanced Design of ExperimentsSTAT 612
STAT 6150Advanced Bayesian MethodsSTAT 615
STAT 6210Advanced Theory of Survey StatisticsSTAT 621
STAT 6410Foundations of Probability TheorySTAT 641
STAT 6420Advanced Probability TheorySTAT 642
STAT 6430Advanced Theory of Statistical InferenceSTAT 643
STAT 6440Advanced Bayesian TheorySTAT 644
STAT / MATH 6450Advanced Stochastic ProcessesSTAT / MATH 6450
STAT 6470Advanced Multivariate AnalysisSTAT 647
STAT 6480Seminar on Theory of Probability and StatisticsSTAT 648
STAT 6510Advanced Time SeriesSTAT 651
STAT 6800Advanced Statistical ComputingSTAT 680


Course Descriptions