
This provides instructions to map network drive and FTPS connection.

  • Create a network mapping drive:
    • Preferable way: Download and install "Box Drive" from  You will need to disable Box Sync first before installing the Box Drive.
    • Linux (RHEL 7/CentOS 7): (WebDAV Access by Nautilus file manager in Gnome) (Ref:
      1. Login to with your ISU NetID and password
      2. Go to "Create External Password" and click "Edit password" to create a unique password for external applications. Suggestion is not to use your ISU password.
      3. From the Places menu, select Computer to bring up Nautilus
      4. Select Connect to Server
      5. For Server address enter: davs://<ISU_NetID>
        • The '%40' is the character encoding for '@' and you must leave that there exactly as shown.
      6. Click Connect and, when prompted, enter your external password which created on #2.


  • FTPS connection (by using FileZilla):
    1. Login to with your ISU NetID and password
    2. Go to "Create External Password" and click "Edit password" to create a unique password for external applications. Suggestion is not to use your ISU password.
    3. Open "FileZilla" and Click "File->Site Manager"
    4. Create a new site called "" and specify following information
      • Host:
      • Protocol: FTP - File Transfer Protocol
      • Encryption: Require explicit FTP over TLS
      • Logon Type: Normal
      • User: <netid>
      • Password: <your_external_password> (this is the password you created on #2)
    5. Click Connect