Master of Science (MS)

About the Program

Some students enter our program with the intent of obtaining a Master of Science (MS) degree and then entering the job market. Students with a bachelor’s degree who enter the program with the desire to complete the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) often complete the MS degree first, since all MS core courses are also required for the PhD. All students seeking the MS degree must complete the same set of core requirements.

The MS degree requires 34 credits, which must include at least three 5000- or 6000-level statistics courses beyond the core. Much of the second year of the Master of Science program consists of elective courses determined by the student and his or her major professor. During or after the final semester of course work, students take an oral exam on work completed for the creative component (a capstone project). 


Multivariable calculus (at least three semesters of calculus in the U.S. system) and linear algebra are required background courses, and knowledge of this material is expected of students in the MS program. Applicants should have completed these or equivalent courses prior to application for admission.

If English is not a student’s native language, they will be required to take an English placement exam at the start of the first semester of graduate study, which may be waived by the university for certain circumstances. Based on the results of this exam, the student may be required to take one or more English courses. Other language requirements, if any, will be established by the Program of Study Committee and major professor.

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Learning Goals: Master of Science in Statistics

  1. Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of fundamental statistical methods and the theoretical results on which those methods are based.
  2. Apply knowledge of statistical methods, computing, and theory in the analysis of data.
  3. Conduct supervised investigation into one or more topics in statistics that are extensions of or not covered in the required curriculum for the MS degree.

Present the results of investigation into statistical topics in a clear and understandable manner, both written and orally.

Core Course Schedule

All students seeking the degree Master of Science in Statistics are required to know the material in the core courses (STAT 5000, 5100, 5200, 5420, 5430, & 5790). Most full-time students complete the Master of Science program in two years.  A typical program of study is shown below. 

Fall-Year One
STAT 5000 (4 cr) Statistical Methods I
STAT 5420 (4 cr) Theory of Probability and Statistics I
STAT 5790 (1 cr) An Introduction to R

Spring-Year One
STAT 5100 (3 cr) Statistical Methods II
STAT 5430 (3 cr) Theory of Probability and Statistics II
STAT Elective (3 cr)

Fall-Year Two
STAT 5200 (3 cr) Statistical Methods III
STAT Electives (3-6 cr)

Spring-Year Two
STAT Electives (3-9 cr)

Meet and greet with professors
Students on tour of department
students walking on campus in Fall

Joining the Program