Statistics in the Community

A red hexagon with yellow text and a logo

Description automatically generatedStatistics in the Community

Statistics in the Community (STATCOM) is a community outreach program that serves local communities nationwide. At Iowa State, STATCOM offers statistical advice and expertise free of charge to governmental and nonprofit groups in the local community. 


Some of the services offered by STATCOM at Iowa State include:

  • Cleaning and analyzing data
  • Designing and analyzing surveys
  • Education on how to use statistical software and Excel
  • Finding meaningful information in large data sets
  • Identifying trends and relationships in data
  • Participating in educational activities at schools and community events
  • Using data to inform decision making
  • Visualizing and methods of summarizing data


Potential clients include but are not limited to:

  • Learning centers
  • Libraries
  • Schools
  • City governments

To learn more about STATCOM, contact

**Note: STATCOM cannot provide consulting for other ISU departments or graduate students. Please refer to the Statistical Consulting page on the Department of Statistics website.